Meditation from a friend
This was a nice piece of advice written by a friend of mine. All credit goes to Kenzo Keophakdy . Smart man, he is helping me out along with a few others. here is the piece he wrote. Meditation is basically a training method for your mind. When certain things happen to you, your mind generates a certain response whether it be happiness, frustration, anger ect. The way your mind has been inculcated is the path of least resistance and the path it wants to take, and will take unless you know how to mitigate it. Meditation teaches you how and makes it easier to override the process. Who is doing the overriding of this process? Well, that's the million dollar question. But I digress. So here's what I'm getting at: if meditation is too easy, you're doing something wrong. You might be getting yourself really relaxed, but is it possible that's all you're doing? Not saying it is. I don't know, just throwing some ideas out there and it's up to you ...