The Lives of Tao by Wesley Chu
The Lives of Tao
Author: Wesley Chu
Pages: 456
Publisher: Angry Robot
Genre: Sci-Fi and Action
Oh boy, where to
start with this book. Unexpected, hilarious, downright witty and made me tear
up. The Lives of Tao by Wesley
Chu is the story of out of shape IT worker Roen Tan who unwillingly becomes the
new host of an ancient alien race known as the Prophus. Something along the lines of Invasion of the
Body Snatchers meets The Matrix; Tao the alien who lives within Roen teaches
him how to be a solider, spy, and leader in a war that he never knew existed.
While Roen learns to deal with his new guest, and Tao learns to live with his
host, they are caught up in the war against the warring faction known as the
Genjix. It is smart and funny. Very easy
to follow and provides a nice mental image of the conflict and characters.
Great pacing and fun to read
Great for Sci-Fi, Action, Thriller, James Bond
Has some romance and comedy aspects but very
well done
Amazing depth of characters, never fells shallow
or cliché
Some scenes are unnecessary
Never gives you time to breath
Over too quickly
Some characters are just lost quickly
Over all, it was
amazing, for a book that is damn near 500 pages I couldn’t put it down. Had I not had school or work I would’ve read
the book in a day. 3 days to read the
book and now I am waiting for the sequel to show up in the mail. This is one story that hooks you from the
first page and just goes from there. When
I say it doesn’t give you time to breath, it is a nonstop ride. Just when you think it is going to go
downhill towards the end, it doesn’t. The
book is one constant uphill ride that when it does go downhill, it ends, but in
a good way.
This one is a definite
BUY, do not skip it, or skim the
review. Buy it.
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